No Refunds
There will be some casual, no-pressure icebreakers to help facilitate conversation during the mixer.
**The add-on includes a seat at the speed dating table. Singles who select this add-on option will meet a random selection of other singles who also opted in.
Mixer is open-aged and Speed Dating will be grouped by the age range. *Space is limited for speed dating in each age range.
Check-in: 6:30-7:00pm
Mixer: 7-9pm
OPTIONAL: Speed Dating around 8pm (You don't want to miss this!)
Mixer Continued: Singles who opted for the speed dating option should stick around after the speed dating portion to continue to mingle. Singles who are not participating in the speed dating option will continue to mingle throughout.
**Please note: You will not have a speed date with every guest at this event. You will be randomly paired up and rotated for a few dates with singles in your age range selected at time of purchase. You will have the opportunity to fill out a speed dating score card to be connected to the singles you spoke with during speed dating!
This is an open-aged mixer for those looking to connect with other singles. Typically, singles who attend these events are 28-58. Speed Dating will be grouped by age range on a first come basis. There will be some casual, no-pressure icebreakers to help facilitate conversation during the mixer.
**In an effort to keep the man/woman ratio even, we reserve the right to refund your ticket.
REFUND POLICY: All ticket sales are final! NO REFUNDS! NO TRANSFERS to future events. You may transfer your ticket to another person with 48 hours notice previous to event. NO EXCEPTIONS.
****Ticket purchase is good for this event ONLY.****
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